This series portrays adolescent girls at home in Hunterdon County, a semi-rural area in western New Jersey. The project is autobiographical in the sense that it explores my own experience during this time as a father raising a teenage daughter.
Many of these pictures were made between 2012 and 2018, but the idea came several years earlier with what is now the first portrait in the series. I lived for a long while with that picture taped up on my studio wall. The following images were an exploration of the themes and questions that arose from that image.
I felt it important to expand beyond the constraints of the portrait frame to show the environment that the girls live in. For me the identity of the place and the girls are intertwined. The portraits were made through a screen door or window and the subjects occupy a liminal space bounded by the sanctuary of their home and the uncertainty of the outside world. Making sense of this time can feel both intimate yet uncanny, familiar yet slightly unsettling.